Factoring - Factoring Brokers are here to help you

Factoring is the raising of funds against your debtor book combined with sales ledger management.

If your business sells on trade credit terms to other businesses, you can probably benefit from the advantages of a factoring facility. Sales can be UK or export.

As well as raising funds against your invoices and thereby improving your cashflow position, by utilising the sales management facility of factoring it means that you spend less time chasing unpaid invoices and more time focussing on your business.


Factoring is suitable for many different Businesses

In addition to established trading businesses, we have assisted clients in the following situations:

  • New Starts

  • Low turnover (£50K+)

  • CCJs

  • Phoenixs


  • Construction

  • Single debtor

  • High concentrations

  • Declined by another factor